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  • Writer's pictureGardian Angel, LLC

How to Stay Out of the Danger Zone?

When you hear the words “danger zone”, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

If you start singing the lyrics “Highway to the Danger Zone” in your head, you’re not alone. Kenny Loggins danger zone is what a lot of people think, but today we are getting away from Top Gun and discussing the danger zone as it relates to school bus transportation.

A school bus has certain spots surrounding the exterior of the bus where it is difficult to see a pedestrian’s physical location. The parameter of the bus extending out to ten feet in all directions is considered dangerous as this is the school bus driver’s blind spot. The ten foot area is called the danger zone.

The school transportation industry has set of best practices to try and help avoid injuries or fatalities that can occur in this dangerous area. The link below shows school bus safety tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration where you can learn some school bus info as well as learn the best practices to stay safe around the danger zone.

Do all school bus manufacturers have danger zones, or are my children’s school bus exempt from this danger?

All school bus models have this danger zone. From a small school bus to type C and D school buses have this safety issue. No school bus is exempt from this problem; however there is ongoing bus safety technology that aids in improving safety measures surrounding this area.

How to stay out of the danger zone?

An example to of technology that keeps children safe and out of the danger zone is called the Gardian Angel®. Watch this video to learn more about it and how it keeps your children safe. Gardian Angel is the latest technology keeping children safe as they board the school bus. This system was developed to increase safety measures around school buses.

Is it Guardian Angel, or Gardian Angel?

The proper spelling is Gardian Angel. It's spelled this way because the inventor's last name is Gardner. See what he did there? GARDian.

What is the Gardian Angel?

Gardian Angel® is an exterior lighting system that easily attaches to a school bus that delivers the most advanced technologies to combat stop arm violations and minimizes the public safety risks to students who rely upon school transportation. This approved option also raises the bar for the current state construction standards as well as exceeds the current Federal Standards. This school bus safety feature is meant to reduce the rates of illegally passing incidents, as well as to help the driver see better in dark, decrease the unloading and loading zone injures and/or fatalities, and aids in the prevention of possible collisions.

With the Gardian Angel®, drivers can clearly see the students in darkness. The pedestrians have a lit path walking towards the bus and traffic in front of bus and behind the bus can clearly see pedestrians walking towards the school bus in darkness. This is all possible because of the 1,000 lumen white LED flood light which shines out the side of the front of the bus. The safety feature is aimed at the ground at a 45 degree angle automatically turns on when the red lights are activated, and turns off when the entrance door of the bus is closed. They even have lights which shine out in each direction in front of the bus. These lights can be mounted on the front bumper like as shown, under the front bumper, or even undercarriage mounted. Mounting locations differ from state to state as each state has different rules and regulations. Some states only allow one of these lights on the left side, while others allow both lights like as shown. Again, each state offers its own set of rules.

Benefits of the Gardian Angel?

• Lights a path 6-8 feet wide with a field of vision from 18-20 feet away from the bus

•Provides exterior cameras the actual color of offending vehicles passing school buses, instead of the color gray when using the infrared technology

• Warns motorists to pay attention while the stop arm is out

• Alerts drivers that students are crossing

• Traffic can clearly see children boarding

• Students can see where they step to prevent falls

• Keeps children safe and out of the “danger zone”

• Illuminates through inclement weather, extreme climate change, even creates a visible path in daylight

About Gardian Angel, LLC

Gardian Angel, LLC is a company that specializes in the development, sales, and distribution of a safety lighting system for use on school buses.

Learn more about this great technology and staying safe from the danger zone at

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